TYCOONS GROUP Enterprise CO.,Ltd


To provide the high quality product and innovative technology with the principle of win-win situation, not only to ensure the quality, lead time, and price of the product from suppliers, but also to concern the long-term relationship and the base of trust and profit from both sides. We agreed to maintain the environmental protect, to improve the security and sanitation, to emphasize the human right and CSR from both. To stable the continuous supply chain, the organized risk insurance and operational schedule will be the goal.

The CSR agreement have 49 suppliers completed the signature to dedicate the friendly workplace and to insist honesty operation for morality corporation.

In order to understand the implementation of corporate social responsibilities by suppliers, the company conducts surveys on the environment, society, and corporate governance by sending questionnaires, and serves as one of the references for the company to select suppliers and contractors. In 2022 The collection of questionnaires was completed on November 7, and a total of 25 questionnaires were collected. The collection of questionnaires for 2023 was completed on September 13, and a total of 38 questionnaires were collected. The company's purchase of raw materials in 2022 accounts for more than 96% of the total purchase of raw materials for the whole year. The questionnaire on raw material suppliers conducts a survey on environmental aspects. The quality of its process-related products and raw material suppliers have obtained ISO9001 quality management system certification and business compliance. The category has obtained a valid factory registration certificate issued by the local government and ISO14001 environmental management system certification. Suppliers and contractors have implemented and improved labor and human rights policies according to the social questionnaire, and 88% of the corporate governance questionnaire have implemented ethical codes of conduct (anti-corruption, anti-bribery, confidentiality clauses, etc.)

First, Supplier rick management

  1. Suppliers have to accept evaluation around every half year, the evaluation of January and July 2022 have finished.
  2. Suppliers need to have its contingency plan and procedure for its products, service, and lead time. To ensure the continuous operation and reduce the material lack possible.
  3. The request standards needs to confirm from both sides to reduce the error rate.

Second, Environment area

  1. The waste treatment should meet the government law and regulation to reduce the shock and damage for nature environment.
  2. The various waste of each factory area of company have been entrusted by qualified manufacturer which acquired license to clean and the content have to apply via internet follow the rule of government.

Third, Security area

  1. Based on the Occupational Safety and Health Law, company have to formulate " Contractor Engineering and Labor Occupational Safety and Health Measures". Before the work in the factory, the contractor have to sign "occupational safety and health hazard notification and agreement confirmed list". Then, the workers are allow to enter the construction site to ensure the safety of both. 

Fourth, Energy saving and carbon reduction area

  1. Doing enterprise environmental responsibility to reduce the air pollution, the industrial boiler have been replaced from heavy oil fuel to gas fuel in 2018. Also, the equipment which have pollution concern will renew progressively to low pollution or no pollution level.
  2. The 90% lamps in company have been replaced to energy saving lamp.
  3. The motor of machine have been replaced to high efficiency motor.